There are 2 ways to show pictures in a forum post, 1. method: (with lower image quality) Just make a new post, type any text, then use the Add File button below the text window. Then add a file from your local computer. This done, you can position the cursor in the text window to the position you want the picture to be placed. Now click on the Insert button next to your attachment below the text window. You can repeat this procedure with more attachments if you want. Now just click Submit and wait for the forum engine to perform the task, that's it. ------------- 2. method (with better image quality) Upload your pictures to any location (cloud storage etc.) or just use the forums up/download section (see K&M Downloads at the menu). Once your pictures are uploaded, you can insert them into a forum post. All you need is the link address of the picture. Just right click on an item in the download section, then copy the link address. In your forum post ( make a new or edit an existing) you can now use the image link BB-code to insert the picture into your post. paste your copied link adress between the tags [img] and [/img] [img]your link adress goes here[/img] instead of typing the BB-code, you can use the corresponding icon from the icon bar above the text window. It's the 5th icon from the right end of the bar (hover mouse over to see their meaning). However, you can additonaly specify a size of the image (which means the width), but if you leave this empty, the picture will be at the original size and automatically resized by the forum engine to fit the post window. To pressent more pictures in a post it might look like this: [img]your link adress goes here[/img] [img]your link adress goes here[/img] [img]your link adress goes here[/img]